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Kellie For Ag is Changing ~ Kellie For Ag
Random Life of Kellie

Kellie For Ag is Changing PART 2

Well here we are. I’ve been doing my workout for around 10 weeks now. Except I can’t say I’ve been doing it the entire time. I gave up about 3 weeks ago and I’m not completely sure why. I was still losing weight, I was still seeing changes, but I just got lazy. Or something along those lines. I was having headaches that were lasting me for 3 days at time. I was itching to be outside in the beautiful fall air and not in the gym. I was craving chili and other fall favorite foods (apple crisp anyone??) and I fell of the band wagon.

I had lost around 13 lbs and 20 inches. (Remember I was gaining muscle so my weight started to not fall off as much.) I was looking good and people were noticing. WHY DID I HAVE TO STOP? What is wrong with me? Who wouldn’t want to keep doing something that was making them look better and feel so much better?

No one knows. My mom told me that I can have my little break, but now it’s game time. It’s back to basics.

My coach is amazing. She told me just send her food that I like and she will figure out how much I can eat for a serving. This way I would be eating what I like and don’t have to feel the need to binge eat on ‘off’ days or weeks at a time.

I haven’t gained any of the weight back, but it’s only been three weeks. I can easily put it back on. And that scares me. A. Lot.

So starting Sunday, I’m starting over. I can’t go back to where I was. I wasn’t fat, but for my health, I need to get back to normal. I need to get back into my jeans and feeling better about myself.

Help me? Push me? Send me prayers of encouragement? I need all the help I can get.