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Agriculture VS. Media - Kellie For Ag
Agriculture Advocacy

Agriculture VS. Media

While eating my Christmas dinner leftovers I was enjoying a nice movie and then the ASPCA commercial came on, I almost choked. I couldn’t believe they were airing this on Christmas day. They played the sympathy and emotion card on Christmas–the day that is about giving, thankfulness, family, and apparently lies. I saw more commercials for donating to the ASPCA than for starving children. I sat there and realized that media is destroying agriculture. Don’t get me wrong–there are lots of great agriculture industries working hard–including me–to get the correct image to the public, but it’s hard to do when don’t have the resources as other industries, aka $2 million donated from a country star.

Not only are we being attacked by animal rights activist, but we’re also being attacked by consumers. Everyone is worried about animal rights, GMO’s, and the chemicals being used on crops. I’m sure there are other things that worry others, but these are the main things right now.

How did everyone get this bad image? Media.

PETA and HSUS are always using emotion in advertising to draw people’s attention. Did you know all those animals they are showing are more than likely murdered. PETA has been known to ‘euthanize’ or kill 90% of the animals in their shelters. Know why? Because they’re spending all their money on commercials, ad’s, and videos. Why don’t they take the money from the t-shirts they make to actually feeding and caring for the animals.  Do you also know that 7 of the 10 videos PETA has put out are staged–meaning more money spent on telling lies and hurting agriculture. Think of all the money they spend just to lie to people.

Read about what they REALLY do.

GMO’s. Boy did that get blown out of proportion. Genetically Modified Organism–it does sound scary, thanks to media, it is scary to some people. Are there commercials talking about how many people we have to feed and how many we’re going to have to feed in 50 years? No, no there isn’t. Are there facts to GMO’s causing issues? No, no there isn’t. Did media blow this out of control and cause unnecessary fear? Sure did. Watch the video below to see my fellow CommonGround Iowa friend Sarah tell the truth. Sometimes we do have luck and can get our message out there.

or read more here:

Media has been causing more issues than the actual ‘problems’. Animal rights and GMO’s really aren’t that big of a deal–in my opinion. Agriculturist are looking at the bigger picture. Feeding people. Keeping people alive. I know it sounds harsh that we have to butcher animals, but they were put on this earth for a reason. Butchering animals has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years. They contain necessary vitamins and minerals for our bodies. Think that’s a coincidence? I don’t. Are we going to start going after lions for eating antelope? Are we going to go after fox for killing rabbits? When does the madness stop? With media it can go to such extremes. No one bothers to find the facts before they judge. I have a communications degree and understand how communications can have a good and bad side. If it’s used correctly it can really help spread a positive message. Or as we have seen with activists, it can go sour real fast. If I could send a ‘fact book’ to everyone in the nation, I would. Once you know the facts, I don’t care what side you are on, as long as you made your decision off facts and evidence.

Please remember that every commercial with sad puppy eyes is a gimmick.

Try to remember every commercial with starving children, we’re using GMO’s to help get them food.

Find out the facts before you judge. Don’t always trust media. It’s like politics—lies are the easiest things to make people believe. People love drama over love stories.

Just try to remember that farmers eat what they produce–if they wouldn’t eat it, they wouldn’t produce it.


Comments (3)

  • Great post! And GMOs have been around for ever it’s just something the media has picked up and turned into something bad just like you said. I agree with your point on butchering animals as well. It’s a necessity. And for those who want to argue that humans are herbivores and should be vegetarians/vegans then we are definitely going to need GMOs to keep up with that demand. Any way you look at it, from any view point you NEED farmers and agriculture. And the technology of today to keep up.

  • Nice post. I love how you point out that GMOs are helping starving areas of the world.

  • Thanks for linking up to the Country Fair Blog Party. Come back on Friday for a new link up and see this week’s Grand Champions.

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