September is coming very fast for this girl! I’ve been busy planning, preparing, crafting, imagining, crying happy tears, and stressing. I have such amazing friends and family that are helping me with everything. My mom is simply amazing and knows exactly how to help me. She always understands when I need to ‘breathe’, what I really need to focus on, and when I need a hug. Her and I have ‘wedding planning days’ where we spend all day together doing fun things. Sometimes I wish my engagement would last forever so I could have these days with my mom for forever. My soon to be mother-in-law is always willing to help and she joins us in every crazy adventure. She’ll never know how much I appreciate her coming with me to everything.
So we first got our engagement pictures taken. Here are a few of my favorites! The amazing and wonderful photographers at Keepsake Portrait Studios do impeccable work!
Once we got those done, then it was on to the save the dates. I designed them myself and I think they turned out pretty good! What do you think?
Next on the agenda is to design the invites and get those sent out! The months are flying by and everything is getting closer. Every day I get more excited, more anxious, and more stressed. I need to stop eating so much chocolate or my dress won’t fit!!!
Everything will come together, it always does. I can’t wait to show you all the little details that I’ve been working on and how I’ve worked the farm life into our wedding!
Thanks for reading and hope you have an amazing day! 🙂
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